17820 SE 109th Ave suite 111,

Summerfield, FL 34491


24/7 Customer Support

Mon - Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Fridays : Only by appointments

advanced safety protocol

Welcome to Advanced Safety Protocol

At Advanced Dental, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We prioritize our patients’ and staff’s cleanliness
and safety, especially during these uncertain times. That’s
why we’ve implemented advanced safety protocols to
ensure peace of mind during your visit.

Stringent Sanitization Practices

Our practice adheres to rigorous sanitization procedures to maintain a clean and hygienic environment. We adhere to strict guidelines set by dental associations and health authorities to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness. - All surfaces and equipment are thoroughly disinfected between patient visits. - Our dental instruments undergo sterilization using state-of-the-art techniques to eliminate any risk of cross-contamination. - Common areas, including waiting rooms and restrooms, are regularly cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Our staff members are equipped with personal protective equipment to ensure your safety and minimize the spread of germs. - Our dental team wears masks, gloves, and protective eyewear during all patient interactions. - We provide patients with protective gear, such as disposable masks and hand sanitizers, to maintain a safe environment for everyone.

Social Distancing Measures

To facilitate social distancing and reduce crowding within our practice, we've implemented several measures to ensure a safe and comfortable patient experience. - Appointment scheduling is carefully managed to minimize the number of patients in the office at any given time. - We've reconfigured our waiting area to allow adequate spacing between seating areas. - Whenever possible, we encourage patients to wait in their vehicles until their appointment time to reduce time spent in communal areas.

Your Safety, Our Priority

Elite Dental is devoted to offering outstanding dental care in a secure and welcoming environment. Our advanced safety protocols are designed to protect your health and well-being every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns about our safety measures, feel free to reach out to us at any time. We are here to help you in any way we can. We are keen to assist you in maintaining a healthy smile for years.

Enhanced Patient Screening

Your health and safety are paramount to us, so we've enhanced our patient screening process to identify potential health risks before your visit. - We conduct pre-appointment health screenings to assess patients' recent travel history, symptoms, and potential exposure to illness. - Temperature checks may be performed upon arrival to ensure patients are not experiencing fever or other signs of illness.

Tele-Dentistry Options

For patients who prefer to minimize in-person contact or require consultation from the comfort of their home, we offer tele-dentistry services. - Patients can now discuss their dental concerns with our team remotely through virtual consultations, eliminating the need for an in-office visit. - Follow-up appointments and routine check-ins can also be conducted via tele-dentistry, providing convenience and peace of mind.
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